How to keep acid/alkaline balance

Green foods support healthy acid/alkaline balance

Want to learn how to keep acid/alkaline balance? Our body is an amazing structure and works tirelessly to help keep our bodies functioning optimally. Even when it is challenged by stress, poor sleep, inadequate diet or lack of hydration, it adjusts to maintain balance as best as possible. A top priority it performs is maintaining blood acid/alkaline balance. To keep the body alive, the blood pH is kept in a tight range between 7.35-7.45.

Here are the 3 main ways this happens:

  • The lungs blow off acidic carbon dioxide, which is produced by normal metabolic processes.
  • The blood uses bicarbonate to alkalise the blood.
  • The kidneys excrete acidic waste products.

Disturbances in blood pH often occur from poor dietary choices. A typical Western diet contains many acid forming foods, which add burden to the buffering system. Over time, bicarbonate production is depleted and the body searches for other ways to restore acid/alkaline balance.

How does the body fix excess acidity?

The body starts to draw magnesium from the muscles, and calcium from the bones to rebalance pH levels when acid levels remain high and bicarbonate is depleted, . Unless you are taking the correct supplements to compensate for this; over time the bones become more porous, leading to osteopaenia and later on, osteoporosis. Fractures can occur from simple falls and take a long time to mend.

Magnesium loss
The muscles begin to cramp frequently, particularly at rest. Eye twitches, hand tremors or tongue quivering are also early signs of magnesium deficiency.
Calcium loss

Calcium is also used up and symptoms such as aching joints, muscle cramps, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, nervousness, depression and poor complexion are common.

What happens next

If left unchecked, inflammatory conditions start to take hold. Arthritis, heart disease, asthma, psoriasis, auto-immune conditions, diabetes, allergies, anxiety, chronic depression and even cancer can develop. Many miracle cures have occurred when the diet is addressed and inflammatory foods are removed. If we take away the underlying causes of the inflammation, our bodies will start to heal!

Signs of blood acidity:

A simple blood test can pick up an imbalance; this can be found in the tests for bicarbonate and urea levels. This may point to metabolic acidosis. Common symptoms you might notice include increased heart rate, palpitations, brain fog and constant fatigue, as well as muscle aches and pains. At this point it is vital to correct the diet and take the appropriate nutrients to restore acid/alkaline balance.

Which are the most acidic foods?

The main foods that contribute to acidity include beverages such as alcohol, coffee/tea, bread, soft drinks. Foods include animal products including meat, dairy foods/eggs; sugar, and grains. Legumes and nuts have slightly lower levels of acidity. Whilst many of these foods contain valuable nutrients, please remember that they need to be accompanied with alkaline forming foods to prevent excess acidity.


When we eat a protein containing food (meat, nuts, legumes, dairy, eggs), acidic urea is produced as a by-product. It’s important to combine it with at least 3 times the amount of alkaline foods. This way, we will balance the blood. Plus we don’t burden the body and lose precious minerals in the process.

Processed foods such as bread, confectionary and chocolate; and acidic beverages such as alcohol, soft drinks and caffeine should be consumed in very small amounts.

How can I alkalise my body?

When preparing a meal, make sure 25% of your plate contains protein, 25% has carbohydrate (starchy vegetables or grains.) The other half should be filled with lots of vegetables of different colours. When you eat a rainbow, you ensure your body has a wide variety of nutrients and the body stays more alkaline.

Vegetables containing lots of water are the most alkalising, so think of celery, cucumber, leafy green salad vegetables, capsicum, but most vegetables and all fruits will be supporting acid control and a healthy pH blood balance.

Lastly, drink plenty of water and you’re on your way to a healthy long life!

Yours in health,


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