Fluoride in tap water: Do we really need it?

Should we be worried?

Fluoridation of tap water is a controversial topic. It was introduced in the USA in the mid-1940’s as a means of preventing tooth decay. Now after many years of research, fluoride is most effective if applied topically (say, as toothpaste.) Which means a recommended daily intake is not necessary. Have you ever heard of anyone in the world with a fluoride deficiency? The Department of Health Australia monitors the amount of fluoride added to the water to ensure safe levels are maintained. Water here is treated with sodium fluoride; however it is calcium fluoride that is responsible for maintaining the health of our bones and tissues. Could we have got it wrong? Whilst we are assured by many health organisations that fluoride is not harmful, but actually very beneficial, many countries continue to ban it because of health concerns. Children have a much lower tolerance to fluoride than adults, and an excess is considered to be neurotoxic. (Read: damaging to the nervous system.) 

The Facts about Fluoride:

Alarmingly, a 2012 meta-analysis of 27 studies on fluoride ingestion over 22 years has linked it to many health problems. These include depression, learning difficulties, reduced IQ, and children’s behavioural issues such as ADHD. It was discovered that in areas with high fluoridation, children were found to have lower IQ scores than those in low exposure areas. Given the massive rise of kids’ behavioural disorders in the Western nations, wouldn’t you think this information might be taken seriously or even considered?For those who like scientific papers, here is the full article. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3491930/ 

Symptoms and signs:

The most obvious signs and symptoms of fluoride excess is mottled, pitted or cracked teeth. However, fluoride’s neurotoxic effects may occur well before the first visible signs of fluoride toxicity. Did you know that calcium and magnesium have a protective effect to tooth enamel? It has been documented that deficiencies of these minerals may lead to tooth decay. Maybe that is where attention needs to be; on healthy diet to ensure an adequate balance of nutrients. 

Still undecided?

Even if you are still sceptical about the safety of fluoridated water, I can tell you this: both fluoride and chlorine (also in tap water) compete with iodine for uptake in the body. This is because they are in the same family in terms of chemical composition. Unless you are eating home grown or buying organic fruit and vegetables, chances are that the iodine content of the soil your food is grown in is next to nothing! Even if you are eating iodised table salt, chances are the tap water is blocking any absorption of iodine. This valuable mineral is responsible for the health of the thyroid gland. It’s known as the master gland because it controls so many functions of the body including: temperature control, mood, metabolic rate, hormonal regulation, energy and mental alertness. I see so many people with under functioning thyroid symptoms. Typical signs and symptoms are heavy menstruation, depression/anxiety, unusual weight gain, fatigue, brain fog, constantly feeling cold, dry skin and unexplained infertility. Hypothyroid conditions were extremely rare until the 1960’s. I am strongly convinced that tap water is one of the culprits! The first thing I do is encourage people to buy a water filter or have a filter added to their plumbing. It needs to be able to filter out chlorine and fluoride. If you are on tank water, it’s not required, however a water filter is useful to prevent harmful bacteria coming into your water. A good quality bench top filter adds beneficial minerals back into the water. If you would like to find out more about filtered water, or would like to purchase a water filter, please contact me for more details. Yours in health, Lynda.

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